Recycle your Rainwater from Your Flat Roof

Recycle your rainwater and reduce your water consumption by up to 40%.

Historically, people have always collected and stored rainwater for household use. Before mains water supply, people collected rainwater for domestic jobs such as laundry and washing up. You can also recycle the rainwater from your flat roof too.

Developments in technology and building techniques now mean that it is much easier to collect and recycle rainwater. Now known as rainwater harvesting (RWH), this system is now facing a surge in popularity, as many households are considering ways to be more environmentally friendly, and save money at the same time.

One of the ways in which you can recycle rainwater is through your roof! RWH is the process of collecting water from surfaces that it falls on – it’s water that’s normally lost during the drainage process. The run-off water is not of drinking water quality, but it can be used for toilet flushing, watering, and machine washing clothes after it has been collected and stored. You can, however, also choose to invest in water treatment technology if you would like to recycle rainwater into drinking water. Having a rainwater harvesting system doesn’t have to be expensive either, and one of the easiest ways is to use your own flat roof to gather this water.

  • With a properly installed flat roof, there should be a slight gradient which allows rainwater to drain quickly and effectively into the gutters, without collecting in depressions.
  •  A flat rubber roof allows water to run off quickly, unlike gravel and asphalt materials which can slow the run-off process considerably.

Just imagine putting all of that rain we get in this country to a good use! And recycling the rain water will benefit not only your own pocket but means you'll be doing your bit for the environment too!